
The BAFDES destratifying radiant system heats both by direct radiation and by destratifying the heat that accumulates in the upper part of the shed, directing it to the animals on the ground.

It directs the heat exclusively to the areas subject to its radiation cone and destratifying air flow, reproducing the hen effect artificially.

The air is also heated by the latent heat emitted by the bodies of the heated animals.

With this heating system, the animals in search of comfort place themselves under the radiation cone (the large hen), while where no heat arrives, there is none.

In the environment, it is important to create ideal thermal comfort, the so-called 'hen effect', which can only be achieved with a radiant and destratifying system, for the well-being of the chick.

In fact, when the chick eats, it tends to prefer warmth, and searches for the ideal temperature on its own, which BAFDES knows how to create; after it is satisfied, it moves freely outside the ideal thermal zone towards less warm areas to dispose of body heat according to its metabolism.


A few advantages within this new product:

  • direct heating of the areas
  • the environment is heated by radiation and convection
  • it includes a destratification system for a greater heating distribution
  • reduction of the temperature drops with a consequent energy saving
  • heating of several areas

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