Grigno Valsugana (TN), ITALIA
Energy efficiency and renewable energy for the DAIRY INDUSTRY
The dairy industry requires a significant amount of thermal and electrical energy in the processing and washing phases, therefore it is potentially suitable for the application of cogeneration systems due to the presence of refrigeration requirements which are very important also for the trigeneration.
The dairy company “Casearia Monti Trentini S.p.A.” - a truly remarkable industrial reality, located on the borders of Trentino region - had as its main aim the reduction of the energy consumption as well as the lowering of the carbon dioxide production.
Systema has provided, in collaboration with the company “Power Ventures”, a customized trigeneration systems of 350 kW conceived to produce electricity, hot water and cold water.
The investment in high efficiency cogenerators allows that company to reduce the purchasing of electricity from the national supplier, by exploiting also the thermal energy produced as hot water, generated during the operation of the motors. The hot water is consequently used to feed up a lithium bromide absorption chiller which produces chilled water to be used in the cooling processes of the liquid foods.
The cogeneration unit consists of several endothermic engines, powered by natural gas with a nominal power higher than 500 kW. The electricity will mostly be exploited by the dairy company, thus optimizing the electrical and thermal production. Thanks to a capillary network of district heating and distribution, the hot water produced by the cooling of the engines, and the cold water coming from the absorption chiller, will be used in the main energy utilities of the company “Casearia Monti Trentini S.p.A.”.
The whole system also provides the "free cooling" function, that is activated during the winter months: a software determines the use of the cooling tower based on the outdoor temperature and humidity, without activating the complete system and ensuring a further reduction in terms of consumptions.
A dairy industry, founded in 1925 in Gallio, very focused in the reconciling of innovative technologies with the ancient knowledge, to continue to guarantee genuine and high quality cheeses.
Its strong and ethical ecological commitment is enhanced by the adoption of the newest technologies, oriented to a significant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and significant energy savings.
FOR THIS REASON THE CUSTOMER HAS CHOSEN SYSTEMA, therefore accessing to the financial incentives envisaged for the reduction of the energy consumptions and climate-altering gas emissions of the manufacturing areas.
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