Castelvetro (MO) - ITALY
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Slaughterhouse Le Castellane S.C.A., Castelvetro (MO)
PACKAGE was designed with a 100 kW cogenerator and a 70 kW lithium bromide absorption chiller
Cooling capacity: 70 kW
This type of “co-mpact” package tri-generation system (cogeneration + absorption) is characterised by the compactness of the system, being a single unit solution consisting of a 100 kW cogenerator and a 70 kW lithium bromide absorption chiller coupled and tested in the factory in outdoor Package version.
This engineering solution was developed in collaboration with the designer of the cogeneration sector to supply electric, thermal and cooling energy production to the slaughterhouse.
Co-mpact package is a Plug & Play design for the cogenerator which electrically manages the lithium bromide absorption chiller in cascade, operating in continuous modulation according to the electric, thermal and cooling demand of the user.
The tri-generation system is managed automatically as the cogenerator software is electrically interfaced with that of the absorption chiller to obtain modulation of thermal-cooling energy production.
Systema is capable of offering similar solutions for all power sizes of the Microgeneration series, where very compact solutions are required.
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